locomotion$45270$ - translation to greek
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locomotion$45270$ - translation to greek

Gymnotiform; Anguilliform; Dynamic lift (fish); Locomotion of fish; Rajiform; Thunniform; Anguilliform motion; Anguilliform locomotion; Body-caudal fin locomotion; Amiiform; Ostraciiform locomotion; Sub-carangiform locomotion; Carangiform locomotion; Thunniform locomotion; Rajiform locomotion; Diodontiform locomotion; Amiiform locomotion; Gymnotiform locomotion; Balistiform locomotion; Tetraodontiform locomotion; Labriform locomotion; Shark locomotion; Labriform swimming; Amiiforms; Subcarangiform; Sub-carangiform; Carangiform; Subcarangiforms; Sub-carangiforms; Ostraciiform; Ostraciiforms; Thunniforms; Carangiforms; Anguilliforms; Rajiforms; Diodontiform; Diodontiforms; Amiform; Gymnotiforms
  • Like a plane or submarine, a fish has [[six degrees of freedom]]
  • bluefin]] swim fast with their large crescent-shaped tails.
  • 50px
  • Porcupine fish (here, ''[[Diodon nicthemerus]]'') swim by undulating their pectoral fins.
  • [[Eel]]s propagate a more or less constant-sized flexion wave along their slender bodies.
  • Boxfish]] use median-paired fin swimming, as they are not well streamlined, and use primarily their [[pectoral fin]]s to produce thrust.
  • 179x179px
  • Exocoetus]]'', only the pectoral fins are abnormally large, while the pelvic fins are small.
  • Salmon larva emerging from its egg
  • streamlined]] body to reduce drag.
  • [[Flying fish]] gain sufficient lift to glide above the water thanks to their enlarged pectoral fins.
  • 50px]] Material was copied from this source, which is available under a [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License].</ref>}}
  • [[Shark]]s are denser than water and must swim continually to maintain depth, using [[dynamic lift]] from their pectoral fins.
  •  Fish, like these [[yellowfin tuna]], use many different mechanisms to propel themselves through water

n. μετακίνηση




Fish locomotion

Fish locomotion is the various types of animal locomotion used by fish, principally by swimming. This is achieved in different groups of fish by a variety of mechanisms of propulsion, most often by wave-like lateral flexions of the fish's body and tail in water, and in various specialised fish by motions of the fins. The major forms of locomotion in fish are:

  • Anguilliform, in which a wave passes evenly along a long slender body;
  • Sub-carangiform, in which the wave increases quickly in amplitude towards the tail;
  • Carangiform, in which the wave is concentrated near the tail, which oscillates rapidly;
  • Thunniform, rapid swimming with a large powerful crescent-shaped tail; and
  • Ostraciiform, with almost no oscillation except of the tail fin.

More specialized fish include movement by pectoral fins with a mainly stiff body, opposed sculling with dorsal and anal fins, as in the sunfish; and movement by propagating a wave along the long fins with a motionless body, as in the knifefish or featherbacks.

In addition, some fish can variously "walk" (i.e., crawl over land using the pectoral and pelvic fins), burrow in mud, leap out of the water and even glide temporarily through the air.